Johnson's Baby Shampoo (AKA Goggle Defogger)
If you are planning on snorkeling, bring a tiny bottle of this along. It's the BEST thing to use for no fog in your mask. Better than spit! ;)
Shop This my recommended gear, not an ad #affiliatelinkLearning how to tell someone you're vegetarian (in a way they will understand for their culture) is one of the most important things you can do. There's no greater feeling of relief when you struggle through a phrase like this and they ask you if egg is okay. They really understood - hooray!
I am only listing the phrases that I have verified with locals.
Language | Meaning | Phrase / Pronunciation |
Arabic |
I am a vegetarian (That could be used pretty much in all Arabic speaking countries Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, etc.) |
انا نباتيه [ana nabateya] or أنا نباتي an-na na-ba-TEE-a |
I do not eat meat, chicken, or any kind of fish (That could be used pretty much in all Arabic speaking countries Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, etc.) |
لا اكل لا لحمه و لا فراخ ولا اي نوع سمك [la 'akl la lahamih w la firakh wala 'aya nawe samak] | |
no meat chicken or fish | لا لحم ، دجاج ، أو سمك [la lahmi , dijjaj , 'aw simak] | |
I am vegetarian (Morocco) |
makanakulsh lham | |
no meat, chicken, or fish (Morocco) |
la7am la, dajaj la, 7out la 7 is a hard guttural h |
Bahasa Indonesian |
chicken or meat stock? | kaldu ayam atau daging? KAHL-doo, ay-AM ah-tau da-GING? |
do not use meat, chicken, fish, or shrimp | tidak pakai daging, ayam, ikan, atau udang TEE-dak pah-KAI da-GING, ay-AM eek-AN, ah-tau OO-dahng |
I am vegetarian | saya vegetarian SA-ya ve-je-TAH-ree-AN |
Basque |
I am vegetarian | barazkijalea naiz |
no flesh, no fish | ez haragirik, ez arrainik | |
Bulgarian |
I am vegetarian | bегетарианка съм [vegetarianka sÅm] |
no meat, chicken, or fish | hикакво месо, пиле и риба [nikakvo meso, pile I riba] | |
Burmese |
without life | thet that loot thet like bet, that like bat, loot like loot, silent Ts so more like the tha LOO and the "th" are more like a soft "t" |
Cebuano |
I am vegetarian | vegetarian ko |
that there's no pig, chicken or fish | kanang walay baboy baka, manok or isda | |
Czech |
I am vegetarian | jsem vegetariánka sem ve-ge-TAH-ree-AN-ka |
Danish |
I am vegetarian | jeg er vegetar |
no meat, chicken, or fish | intet kød, kylling eller fisk | |
Dutch |
I am vegetarian | ik ben vegetarisch (or vegetariër) eek ben ve-je-TAH-reesch |
no meat, chicken, or fish | geen vlees, kip of vis ge'en vleis kip of vis |
Filipino |
I am vegetarian | vegetarian po ako ve-je-TAH-ree-an poh ah-koh |
I eat only vegetables | gulay lang kinakain ko goo-LAY lang kin-a-KA-een ko |
Finnish |
I am vegetarian | olen kasvissyöjä |
I don't eat meat, chicken or fish | en syö lihaa, kanaa tai kalaa | |
no meat, chicken, or fish | ei lihaa, kanaa tai kalaa | |
French |
I am vegetarian | je suis végétarien(ne fem.) j' swee ve-je-tah-ree-ENNE |
I don't eat food of meat, chicken, or fish | je ne mange pas de viande, poulet ou poisson j' n' manj pa du viand, poo-LAY, oo pwa-SAN |
German |
I am vegetarian | ich bin vegetarier |
no meat, no chicken and no fish, please | kein fleisch, kein hähnchen und keinen fisch, bitte | |
no meat, poultry or fish | kein fleisch, geflügel oder fisch | |
Greek |
I am vegetarian | Είμαι χορτοφάγος [eeme hortofágos] EE-me hor-tow-FA-gos |
no meat, chicken, or fish | Όχι κρέας,κοτόπουλο και ψάρι [ohi kreas, kotopoulo i psari] | |
Hebrew |
I am vegetarian | אני צמחוני/ת [ani tsimhonit] ani tsimhonit (for women) ani tsimhoni (for men) |
Hindi |
vegetarian | shakahari sha-KA-ha-ree |
Icelandic |
i am vegetarian (everyone speaks English so that is probably easier. ;)) |
ég er graenmetisaeta |
no meat, chicken, or fish | ekkert kjöt, engan kjúkling og engan fisk | |
Italian |
I am vegetarian | sono vegetarian(a fem.)(o male) SO-no ve-je-TAH-ree-AH-na |
I don't eat meat, chicken, fish, nor pig (no pig - a lot of food is made with pig fat like brioche) |
non mangio né carne, né pollo, né pesce, e né maiale | |
Japanese |
I am vegetarian | 私はベジタリアンです [watashi wa vejitari an desu] wa-TA-shee wa ve-jee-TAH-ree-AN-de |
please do not have meat and fish | 肉と魚無しでお願いします [niku to sakana nashi de onegai shimasu] | |
Lao |
I eat only veggies | khoy kin ta park |
i no eat meat | khoy bo kin siin | |
no put fish sauce | bo sai naam plaa | |
put egg okay | sai k'hai mai | |
Lithuanian |
I am vegetarian | aš vegetarė |
I don't eat pork, chicken and fish | nevalgau kiaulienos, vištienos ir žuvies | |
Maltese |
I am vegetarian | jiena vegetarjana |
no meat, chicken, or fish | xejn laham, tigieg, jew hut | |
Montenegrin |
I am vegetarian | ja sam vegetarijanac |
no meat, chicken, or fish | bez mesa, piletine ili ribe | |
Norwegian |
I am vegetarian | jeg er vegetarianer |
no meat, chicken, or fish | ikke noe kjøtt, kylling eller fisk | |
Papiamentu |
I am vegetarian | mi ta vegetariano |
no meat, chicken, or fish | no karni ni galiña ni piska | |
Persian |
I am vegetarian | geeyahi khor |
no meat, chicken, or fish | goosht, morgh, maahi nemikhoram | |
Polish |
I am vegetarian | jestem wegetarianką ye-stem vegetarianka (hard g) |
I do not eat meat, chicken or fish | nie jem mięsa, kurczaka ani ryby | |
Portuguese |
I am vegetarian | sou vegetariana |
I do not want meat, chicken or fish | não quero carne, frango nem peixe | |
without beef, chicken or fish | sem carne de boi, frango ou de peixe | |
I am vegetarian (Brazil) |
eu sou vegetariana | |
no meat, chicken, or fish (Brazil) |
sem carne, frango ou peixe | |
Romanian |
I am vegetarian | sunt vegetariana soont ve-je-TAH-ree-AH-nah |
without meat, chicken or fish | fara carne, pui sau peshte FA-ra CAR-ne poo-EE sow PES-te |
Serbian (Latin) |
I am vegetarian | ja sam vegetarijanac |
no meat, chicken, or fish | bez mesa, piletine i ribe | |
Slovak |
I am vegetarian | som vegetarián´n |
no meat, chicken, or fish | žiadne mäso, kura či rybu | |
Spanish |
chicken stock / bouillon (also caldo de pollo) |
consome de pollo cohn-soh-meh deh poi-yo |
Does this have animal products? | Esto tiene productos de animales? eh-stoh tyeh-neh proh-dook-tohs deh ah-nee-mah-lehs? |
Does this have chicken stock? | Tiene caldo de pollo? tyeh-neh cahl-doh deh poi-yo? |
I am vegetarian | soy vegetarian(a fem.)(o male) soy ve-he-TAH-ree-YAH-nah |
I don't eat meat, chicken, or fish | no como carne, pollo o pescado | |
Is this made with water or chicken stock? (handy for asking about the gallo pinto) |
Está hecho con agua o caldo de pollo? | |
no meat, no chicken, no fish | ni carne, ni pollo, ni pescado nee CAR-ne, nee POY-o, nee pes-CA-do |
with vegetables instead of mean (chicken), please | con verduras en lugar de carne (pollo) por favor | |
Swahili |
I eat vegetables | mimi nakula mbogamboga mee-mee na-KOO-la m'BO-ga m'BO-ga |
I will not eat meat, chicken, fish | mimi siili nyama, kuku, samaki mee-mee SEE-lee NYA-ma, koo-koo, sa-MA-ki |
Swedish |
I am vegetarian | jag är vegetarian |
no meat, chicken, or fish | inget kött, kyckling eller fisk | |
Tamil |
I am vegetarian | naan saivam |
I will not eat meat | iraichi sapdamaten | |
Thai |
don't want fish sauce | mai sai nam plaa my sai nam plaa |
food without meat | mang sa wirat maang saa WEE-rat |
Turkish |
I am a vegetarian | ben vejeteryenim |
I don't want fish, meat or chicken | balik, et ya da tavuk istemiyorum | |
Vietnamese |
I am vegetarian | tôi ăn chay doi ann (like the name) chai (like the drink) |
no fish sauce | khong muoc mam mam is more like mom |
no meat, chicken, or fish | không thịt, gà, đồ biển | |
vegetarian food/restaurant | com chay chai (like the drink) |
Welsh |
I'm a vegetarian | dwi'n lysieuwr dween luh-shy-OOR |
Zulu |
I do not eat meat | angiyidli inyama |
that includes chicken and all sea creatures | kubalwa ngisho inkukhu nazozonke izilwane zasolwandle njengofishi imbala |
If you are planning on snorkeling, bring a tiny bottle of this along. It's the BEST thing to use for no fog in your mask. Better than spit! ;)
Shop This my recommended gear, not an ad #affiliatelink