The Spark is Coming Back!
Dec 14, 2024   
BLOG: Un-related thoughts and activites of the day . . . .

My health is improving enough to start brining Leslie's Travel Snacks back to life!! Yay! I'm making updates and will be adding more fun posts!
I'm excited about adding to this site again! OMG it's been too long and I have so much to share!

I just felt the need to post that I have started updating My Favorite Clothing and Gear (and will continue to do so) with all sorts of important travel gadgets and items that I've put so much research into over the years.

I'll be starting to add other posts and material throughout the site to be useful for my fellow budget travelers out there.

Due to health issues, my life has been pretty much put on hold for, wow, 3 years! I won't even get into how bad it's been, but let's just say that I've had so far to come back from, that I'm sure I have at least another year or two to go. And even then, my doctors are hoping bringing me back to 90% of my previous health. So yeah, missing an entire 10% of my previous self? That's a lot! But at this point, I'll take it. As long as it's enough for me to live my passion - travel.

My cognitive issues are still holding me back in a lot of ways unfortunately, but it's a slow road and I have to keep remembering that. There are some long-term travelers in my travel groups that have similar or more severe chronic issues and they get by. Maybe poorly (LOL), but they get by.

So anyway, cheers to getting more fun and interesting content out to you quickly as life allows me! Oh, and don't forget to check out How to Say Cheers! in different languages. :)


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Hi, I'm Leslie! I hope to inspire you to budget travel on as little as $30/day, lend a few travel tips, share some real stories, and give useful information on the places I've been
... the type of information that I search for before I travel to a place.
Diva Cup  Menstrual Cup

Diva Cup Menstrual Cup

Now I will admit that I have not used one of these but I have traveled with ladies who have. They love them.

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