The ferry ride to Viequez was fun. I got some bday gifts :) and we had a bit o' the hair of the dog thanks to Mom's clever use of her OJ container doubling as a place to keep last night's leftover vodka. We got to the Casa de Amistad which is a really cute hotel. The staff is SO nice and helpful. We immediately refreshed with a dip in the pool and some of the honor system beers they provide. Ahhhh. At $90/night the prices are pretty difficult for Steve and I to take since we're used to being on so much more of a budget, but we wanted everyone else to be comfortable so we're sucking it up.

Got back to Isabella 2 so late that only one restaurant was open. Richard's Cafe. It actually turned out to be pretty funny. The place was pretty expensive, and I have to say, the food was all horrible! It just became comedic after a while. Mom's Chicken Cordon Bleu was from a frozen thing, the wine has, um, can't even come up with a word for it, and Summer couldn't even eat her $35 lobster. You just had to laugh it was all so bad. Okay, the Sara Lee cheesecake was at least tasty - but Sara Lee?!?
Jun 30 - More Exploring Viequez
Did some snorkeling in the morning at an old US military pier. Weird to see it all abandoned like that. I guess the military pulled out in 2003 after a bunch of protests. Then Summer and David headed home.Then the four of us went over to the beaches that the military used to occupy. Talk about untouched and perfect!! We particularly loved La Plata beach at the end of a long dirt road. A tropical beach at its best. So hard to imagine they used this area for bombing and war practice! The next day as a bday gift, Mom treated us to a flight to Culebra!! Not only did we not have to take the ferry back over to the mainland, then over to Culebra, but the flight was like a private air tour! It was a small 6 seat plane that took us over the beautiful beaches, turquoise water, and hilly islands. Awesome!! And of course, all of us left our cameras in our luggage. Thanks mom!!