How to Keep Cool Traveling In Hot Humid Climates

Travel Tips
Don't we love our tropical destinations! But the heat, the humidity! Being too hot can drag you down and ruin any trip. Follow these tips to make the heat much more bearable.
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Over 19 years of trying different ways to keep cool while traveling, I am convinced that my travel temperature is MUCH lower thanks to the following practices. Let's count down the most important cooling practices....

11) Body Powder

In certain countries, you'll see locals using powder all the time to help keep dry. I have to admit that even a small thing of body powder (like Gold Bond) doesn't always make the cut when I'm trying to trim down the weight of my bag.

10) Cooling Towel

This is a must-have for a friend of mine who absolutely melts in the heat. A water-activated Kool Tie or Cooling Towel will help keep you cool for hours.
Gold Bond  Body Powder

Gold Bond Body Powder

It can be a bit messy but it helps keep you dry in hot and humid climates. Just put it on after your shower or even dust it on under your clothes if you feel you need a refresh.

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Arctic Cool  Instant Cooling Towel

Arctic Cool Instant Cooling Towel

I have to admit that I've used this quite a few times in very hot and humid climates and it has helped a lot! The Arctic Cool Instant Cooling Towel truly lives up to its name. Just soak the towel with water, and, instantly, the HydroFreeze X Technology snaps into action. Immediately, you’ll feel the invigorating cooling effect.

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9) Sweat Cloth

Keep a washcloth-sized travel towel in your bag and use it to mop up sweat off your face and neck. It's great on hikes, in a hot bus, or anywhere really. I'm not sure if it keeps you any cooler, but it sure feels better to be a bit drier.

8) No Makeup

I'm not the travel-with-makeup type of gal anyway but having that stuff on your face just makes you sweat even more. Stay natural.

7) Shave Your Hair

It definitely helps to tie your hair in a ponytail or keep it back in a headband, but even better ... shave the underneath! About 2-3 inches gets the hair off your neck and is so much cooler!

My friend who melts in the heat? She loves using a buff (yeah, like on Survivor) to keep her hair pulled back and she says the fabric is cooling.
Shaved hair underneath, a wicking cap, a headband, and ponytails - pulling out all the stops!
Shaved hair underneath, a wicking cap, a headband, and ponytails - pulling out all the stops!

6) Skirts

Skirts and dresses are generally cooler than pants because you have air flow. I personally find maxi-skirts too hot for me even if they are super performance fabric.

With skirts you need to watch for thigh chafing though, which can get very painful. I travel with a pair of Jockey Skimmies slip shorts to use as my underwear with a skirt if I'm having chafing issues which unfortunately happens a lot in the heat, especially now that I'm heavier.

Guys, you can wear a sarong in many countries and not be out of place at all!

5) Travel Undies

Yes there is such thing as performance / travel underwear; for both men and women. I really feel this makes a big difference in dryness and comfort. ExOfficio Give-n-Go is so far the best brand I have tried. They dry in no time at all, don't have a cotton crotch, and are thin and comfy.

Ladies, I tend to find thongs to be more uncomfortable in tropical climates so you might consider wearing bikinis or even going commando when traveling!
Victoria's Secret No-Show Cheeky

Victoria's Secret No-Show Cheeky

Stretchy and comfy and very quick dry. They are not technically technical ;), but they do the trick.

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Victoria's Secret No-Show Thong

Victoria's Secret No-Show Thong

Stretchy and comfy and very quick dry. They are not technically technical ;), but they do the trick.

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4) Cold Showers

Cold showers. Lots of them. 'Nuf said.

3) Sandals

You know that moment when you're in a hot climate, you take off you're shoes and socks, and ahhhh so much cooler!? Yeah, closed shoes do not help keep you cool. Sandals all the way, without socks of course. ;)

Hiking sandals or even rugged flip flops can do the trick almost anywhere. I seldom have found a hike that I can't do in a pair of Tevas or Keens.
Feet are so much cooler in sandals than closed shoes
Feet are so much cooler in sandals than closed shoes

2) Performance Clothing

This is definitely the most important thing on the list (other than ice cream, ice cream trumps all). All of your clothing should be wicking (drawing moisture away from your body), breathable (drawing air/heat away from your body), quick-dry (keeping you drier from sweat), and lightweight (not bogging you down). Travel or active-wear fabrics are a must-have if you are trying to beat the heat.

You'll also want to avoid clothing that shows sweat. Your best bets are black, white, or patterns.

P.S. This goes for hats, too. If you throw on a regular baseball cap, you're going to increase your body temp (and your head temp) by a ton. Go for a moisture wicking cap like the ones from Arctic Cool or Sunday Afternoons.
Columbia Zero Rules T-shirt

Columbia Zero Rules T-shirt

My absolute favorite hot weather t-shirt. It's slightly fitted, comfortable, and keeps you cool.

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Havaianas Brazil Flip Flops

Havaianas Brazil Flip Flops

A great solid flip-flop. These have taken me around the world in many a color. They have a nice thick base and hold up really well.

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Sunday Afternoon Sun Tripper Cap

Sunday Afternoon Sun Tripper Cap

I can't stand wearing hats when I travel to hot climates. My head gets all sweaty and uncomfortable. I have tried everything from a standard baseball cap to a more stylish brimmed hat. I end up sacrificing coolness for keeping the sun off my face which I pretty much don't see the point. Enter the SunDay Afternoons Sun Tripper Cap. OMG my head doesn't get hot! And to top it off, it packs flat and dries quickly. I'm in love.

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True & Co  Bras

True & Co Bras

For so long Uniqlo Airism bras were the only truly comfortable quick-dry lightweight bra I could find. Now many companies are following suit and (hopefully) at least slightly better quality. These bras are easily slipped on and worn all day in comfort even in hot climates, and they dry in not time at all. P.S. They're also available at Target. These bras are not big on support and only last so long since they are glued, not sewn.

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Touring the town, on a hike, or just relaxing, the right  clothing can make a huge difference!
Touring the town, on a hike, or just relaxing, the right clothing can make a huge difference!

1) Cold Refreshments

Plenty of cold water will help keep you cool on the hottest of days. If in dire need, then by all means have some ice cream to take the internal temp down a few degrees! ;)


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