The mornings are indescribable. It’s like it never rained at all except for everything is cleaned off and fresh. The birds are chirping the sun is even peeking its head out this morning.
I was just having a chat with my mom and Cynthia and a gorgeous iridescent blue Morpho butterfly flew by down near the beach. It’s so big and vibrant that I could easily see it flutter on by from my deck. Seriously magical.
As usual, I got up at around 5:30 with the morning light and the birds, not all of which are pleasant sounding. I already have all the sheets and laundry going ( gotta get it dried on the line before the rain comes!) to get ready for Dave and David to arrive in two days! Yay! I’m just a little worried if they’re going to like it or not. I mean who wouldn’t? But I know David likes to be on the go a lot and there’s not a whole lot to do around here. It also could rain the whole time they’re here. But I’ll be very happy to see them :-)
Down by the laundry room I saw this bright armored Spiny Orb Weaver spider (right where I had taken my bike between the bushes last night) weaving her meticulous web. Then when I went down later after the morning drizzle, her web was all gone and she was left with only a few of the base threads. Poor girl.
I have to say that the travel groups of really changed Facebook for me. Just something like this happening at all is a pretty cool thing. So anyway we had a couple of beers and dinner and had a nice chat. I like her. She’s pretty chill and it was nice to have someone to visit with.
UPDATE: What a jinxer I was with this post! It's now all blustery and rainy. Terrible day to have done laundry. I have some hanging under the house (which has probably blown into the dirt by now) and the rest of it over the railings getting pelted with a steady mist.