Cool Plants I've Seen in Costa Rica

Costa Rica     Leaves and Critters
I know bananas are super common, but it's really fun watching the process of the fruit growing out of the flowers.
I know bananas are super common, but it's really fun watching the process of the fruit growing out of the flowers.
Teeny Tiny Flowers  |   Flowers  |   Bananas  |   Mushrooms  |   Plants  |   General Greenery  |   Forest / Trees

I started off taking photos of all the cool flowers I saw. But quite frankly, the flowers outdid me. There are soooo many pretty flowers here that I had to give up trying to photograph them all. Then add to that the cool tropical plants, the indescribable trees in the cloud forest with a million other ferns, epiphytes, lichens, and mosses growing off of them, and the different types of mushrooms, well, you can imagine. BUT I will include here a good variety of the natural beauty found here in Costa Rica.

Other Costa Rica Wildlife

Wildlife Abounds in Costa Rica!
Cool Insects I've Seen in Costa Rica
Cool Birds I've Seen in Costa Rica
Cool Animals I've Seen in Costa Rica
Cool Plants I've Seen in Costa Rica

Teeny Tiny Flowers

More itty bitty flowers
More itty bitty flowers
Teeny tiny flowers in the ground cover around my house.
Teeny tiny flowers in the ground cover around my house.
The ground cover is full of small yellow flowers.
The ground cover is full of small yellow flowers.
This is the ground cover flower.
This is the ground cover flower.


I love these, and so do the hummingbirds.
I love these, and so do the hummingbirds.
These are so odd and tropical looking.
These are so odd and tropical looking.
Thin papery flower.
Thin papery flower.
Large bright orange flowers high up in the tree.
Large bright orange flowers high up in the tree.
One of many wild orchids in the forest.
One of many wild orchids in the forest.
More orchids (Monteverde Cloud Forest)
More orchids (Monteverde Cloud Forest)
These flowers are on a poisonous tree. The gardener who cut it down ended up in the hospital covered in boils! :(
These flowers are on a poisonous tree. The gardener who cut it down ended up in the hospital covered in boils! :(
These waxy flowers were pretty uniquie.
These waxy flowers were pretty uniquie.
A local man tending to his garden showed us this plant. He was very proud of it. It only lives for a few days.
A local man tending to his garden showed us this plant. He was very proud of it. It only lives for a few days.
In the Monteverde Cloud Forest
In the Monteverde Cloud Forest


Pink upright bananas?!
Pink upright bananas?!
Banana flowers with first row of baby bananas on top.
Banana flowers with first row of baby bananas on top.
The banana tree in my yard by the beach.
The banana tree in my yard by the beach.
Another row of banana flowers to turn into fruit
Another row of banana flowers to turn into fruit
Bees pollinating the banana flowers.
Bees pollinating the banana flowers.
Got a cool photo of this bee coming in.
Got a cool photo of this bee coming in.



Look at the spines on this tree!
Look at the spines on this tree!
Love this round plant in my yard
Love this round plant in my yard
Huge bamboo
Huge bamboo
Another colorful plant in my yard.
Another colorful plant in my yard.
Papaya tree
Papaya tree
How cool - this is how an almond tree starts!
How cool - this is how an almond tree starts!

General Greenery

This log was covered in mini ferns.
This log was covered in mini ferns.

Forest / Trees

These trees are all over, but this one is particularly big! Look at the person behind it on the right.
These trees are all over, but this one is particularly big! Look at the person behind it on the right.
Another "rocket ship" tree.
Strangler fig. You can crawl up inside of some of these!
Strangler fig. You can crawl up inside of some of these!


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