Cool Animals I've Seen in Costa Rica

Costa Rica     Leaves and Critters
It's hard to make heads or tails out of this two-toed sloth! She was pretty active for the middle of the day.  Hint: her head is to the left.
It's hard to make heads or tails out of this two-toed sloth! She was pretty active for the middle of the day. Hint: her head is to the left.
There's not much to write. Just a bunch of photos! :) This doesn't cover even a portion of what's here or what I've seen but it's really fun to try and capture these things in photos. I have tried to only post the decent photos.

Other Costa Rica Wildlife

Wildlife Abounds in Costa Rica!
Cool Insects I've Seen in Costa Rica
Cool Birds I've Seen in Costa Rica
Cool Animals I've Seen in Costa Rica
Cool Plants I've Seen in Costa Rica


These guys were so entertaining. Every morning I'd watch them scamper around the yard and through the trees. The brown ones like to chase the birds out of the trees and bushes and the black ones jump around high up in the trees like monkeys!


The monkeys cruise around in troops and you never know where they're going to show up. I was lucky (?) enough to have the Capuchin (white-faced) monkeys show up in my hard my second day here! Let me tell you, they are pretty bold! They also came through my place in Monteverde. In the trees right outside my window! Fortunately they just ate some guayaba and limes and moved through the trees.

The howler monkeys don't move around as much so they're harder to spot. But you can sure hear them first thing in the morning!
Howler Monkey near Zancudo. Yeah I know, he's just a dark blob up in the tree.
Howler Monkey near Zancudo. Yeah I know, he's just a dark blob up in the tree.
Not a great photo but here are some Squirrel Monkeys from the Osa Peninsula.
Not a great photo but here are some Squirrel Monkeys from the Osa Peninsula.
Well I certainly got up close and personal with these Capuchin Monkeys! This one tried opening the screen door!
Well I certainly got up close and personal with these Capuchin Monkeys! This one tried opening the screen door!
The owner of the house I rented said to put some banana pieces out on the platform. They sure came running! Now thinking that might not have been the best idea.
The owner of the house I rented said to put some banana pieces out on the platform. They sure came running! Now thinking that might not have been the best idea.

Other Critters

I captured the cutest part of the agouti - his butt! LOL
I captured the cutest part of the agouti - his butt! LOL
This little agouti stayed on the road long enough for me to get more than just his butt.
This little agouti stayed on the road long enough for me to get more than just his butt.
How cool is this anteater?!
How cool is this anteater?!
Yeah okay, I guess there ARE snakes here!
Yeah okay, I guess there ARE snakes here!
Side-striped Palm Pit Viper - yes, venomous
Side-striped Palm Pit Viper - yes, venomous
Coatimundi - cute little trash panda.
Coatimundi - cute little trash panda.


I was so incredibly excited the first time I started looking for a sloth. I found one in the neighbor's yard! High up in a tree was a furry blob. Then over the next few days we tired to find him again and found him a few doors down in a much lower tree. Better photos. :)

They sleep around 20 hours a day and move so slowly, eat very little, and come down out of the tree every 4 days or so to poop. Apparently their fur is an ecosystem unto itself and is pretty nasty. But I'm still in love with them.
This is how you spot a sloth. They are wayyyyy up in the trees, usually sleeping.
This is how you spot a sloth. They are wayyyyy up in the trees, usually sleeping.
Zoom in for some cute sloth action. Or non-action really.
Zoom in for some cute sloth action. Or non-action really.

Look at that face, and those claws!
Look at that face, and those claws!
Big yawn.
Big yawn.
Back to sleep.
Back to sleep.


They're just funny. Jungle Chickens and they make me laugh like regular chickens. You'll see them everywhere in varying sized and colors. I had a few residents in my yard that would come out every morning and sometimes we'd share some banana off the front balcony.
I had a few resident iguanas in my yard that would come out every morning and lay in the sun for a while.
I had a few resident iguanas in my yard that would come out every morning and lay in the sun for a while.
They'd also fight with each other almost all the time. The big one from next door was the one always picking fights.
They'd also fight with each other almost all the time. The big one from next door was the one always picking fights.
Beach lizard. :)
Beach lizard. :)
Fred lives in the crevasse in the tree.
Fred lives in the crevasse in the tree.
Look at how high this iguana was! He actually went all the way to the top which was still quite a ways up!
Look at how high this iguana was! He actually went all the way to the top which was still quite a ways up!
But I got a stellar photo of him. :) This is one of my favorites.
But I got a stellar photo of him. :) This is one of my favorites.


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