Articles & Adventures
Personal Reflections

My journey, my travel style, and my self-discovery has been evolving more now that I'm traveling longer term. It's amazing how much you learn about yourself while you're out there in the world, perhaps out of your comfort zone, discovering something new every day.

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House Sitting for Travel - A Beginner's Take
Costa Rica, Indonesia

Something I didn't intend on getting into, it seems like a no-brainer for a budget traveler; house sit for a free place to stay! It's great so far but I can see some pitfalls.

How to Travel Cheap, My Adventures, Personal Reflections, Travel Tips

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Traveling Long Term is So Different!
Dec 6, 2019 Costa Rica

I keep saying the same thing that I knew ahead of time; that this particular trip was not going to be a "traveling around" trip. ....

My Adventures, Personal Reflections

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Conflict with My Backpacker Style (or Lack Thereof)
Dec 1, 2019 Costa Rica

I normally don't care that I don't have makeup and my hair looks like total shit when I travel. Th ....

My Adventures, Personal Reflections

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Can I Practice What I Preach and Stay Within Budget?
Nov 28, 2019 Costa Rica

Faced with the reality of full-time travel, I'm starting to worry about staying within budget!

My Adventures, Personal Reflections

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In Need of Travel Therapy - Costa Rica Here I Come
Nov 3, 2019 Costa Rica

Although I had already mentally planned this trip early in the year as my first foray into full-time ....

My Adventures, Personal Reflections

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Taking the Big Leap - OMG I'm Freaking Out - I Quit My Job
Aug 27, 2019

It's time. I can't put life off any longer. I'm cashing it in and hitting the road full time!

My Adventures, Personal Reflections

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Luxury Realization
Mar 4, 2019 Indonesia

7 weeks of no-frills living, to a hotel in the city. Not only does it have slippers, a kettle, a fridge, and drinking water, but it has air conditioning and hot water!! Oh doesn't it feel good to appreciate that which often gets taken for granted!

My Adventures, Personal Reflections

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I'm Just NOT the Traveler I Want to Be
Jan 22, 2019

I know that might sound strange coming from me, I write a travel site! But as much as I travel and as much as I love it, I have had to come to terms with my own limitations.

My Adventures, Personal Reflections

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Adjusting to My New Digs and Questioning My Travel Goals
Jan 18, 2019 Indonesia

I know what all my friends were picturing when I told them I was house sitting in Bali for a while. They were wrong. Excitement, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, happiness. I'm smack dab in the middle of it.

My Adventures, Personal Reflections

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Hi, I'm Leslie! I hope to inspire you to budget travel on as little as $30/day, lend a few travel tips, share some real stories, and give useful information on the places I've been
... the type of information that I search for before I travel to a place.
PAPLUS Ankle Compression Socks

PAPLUS Ankle Compression Socks

You may not always want the full compression of a knee sock. For walking around town or hiking, shorter flights, or even for the gym, these ankle compression socks help keep aching feet away. I bought them for a friend and they use them all the time!

Shop This my recommended gear, not an ad #affiliatelink